Little Sleep Co. - Sleep Consultant and Maternity Nanny
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Sleep Consultant

Everyone deserves a good night’s sleep. A well-rested parent is a happy parent. Our Sleep Consultant’s solution is to get your baby into a day and night sleep routine.

We take a calm approach, using proven techniques backed by science and in-depth research, understanding exactly what your baby needs.

But most importantly, our sleep consultant arms parents with the tools they need to stick to a routine that suits the whole family, giving everyone the good night’s sleep they need.

Maternity Nanny

Bringing baby home for the first time is both exciting and often daunting at the same time. Having an experienced Maternity Nanny on hand can give new parents instant peace of mind.

The main role of a Maternity Nanny is to support and teach parents how to care for their newborn. This service can be particularly useful for those with twins.

Our extensive experience with newborns will help your little one settle into family life as well as develop routines for parents in all circumstances.

About Little Sleep Co.

Founder of Little Sleep Co, Arlene Beresford, is a highly experienced Sleep Consultant and Maternity Nanny with over 20 years combined experience working in homes and hospitals around the world. From London to New York, she has worked extensively with newborns, multiple births, medical completions, and parents with Post Natal Depression.

Little Sleep Co focusses on developing regular sleeping and eating patterns, allowing both parents and babies the regular rest and recovery they need.

Arlene believes in empowering new parents to trust their instincts, and find confidence in understanding their baby’s needs.

If you’re after a Sleep Consultant or a Maternity Nanny, Little Sleep Co offers personalised packages for a range of budgets, availability and time restraints. Get in touch to find out more.



For more information or upcoming availability, please get in touch.

Phone: 0415 390 131 or Email:

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Little Sleep Co. ABN 12 900 581 510